1. How the things we covered in class are beneficial to me as an individual and person:
Blogs(and wikis): By each student having a blog, we learned how to utilized this free internet source as a way to network and share our ideas.
Google presentations: By making presentations on our own, we learned how to create useful presentation in the Gmail account.
Google Docs: helped share and use information readily, especially with a large number or people.
Google spreadsheets: Forms and speadsheets were useful in that information can be organized easily and shared.
Picasa: A free online picture program useful with blogging, videos, and webpages.
Podcasts & videocasts: A great way to share information about a topic and explore and learn about new things.
YouTube & moviemaking: How to share and make a video
Posts you read, creating a PLN, and utilizing Twitter were great ways to network with others that was in contact, especially in my field of teaching and in the class. Networking with other teachers and students outside of my region was performed through the use of: Comments4kids,comments4classmates,and comments4teachers
iTunes and iTunesU: We great ways to access free podcasts, and by creating podcasts and videocasts, USA has begun their iTunesU.
Accessibility issues and the use of html tag modifiers to address some of those issues were helpful on the blog posts.
Who I am as a professional was expressed and discovered through my professional blog page, which was my favorite assignment.
Google forms was a great way to collect information about my classmates and a great resource to create statistics.
Google Earth was a great tool to use, especially for geographical units in the classroom. The trip recorder was a really cool feature too.
Delicious was useful in to share, discover, and bookmark great Websites.
ACCESS and ALEX were two important websites that I explored and wrote about that are central to the public school system in Alabama.
Technological literacy is something we need to think about in the future of classroom and the school system.
2. Are there things you would like to have learned in this class but did not? I would have liked to work with Smartboards.
3. Are there things you learned in this class but wish you had not (and you will try and forget them or not use them as soon as possible)? Explain your items in this list (if any) telling me why you think it is appropriate to forget these things. No, we covered a lot of ground.
4. Did this class excite you in any way? I mean excite, as opposed to "was useful" or "was interesting" or "I did it"? If No, say that. If Yes, tell me what excited you, why, and how. It was interesting in that we were learning about new technologies that can be useful and engaging in the classroom for any subject area.
5. Did you find anything in this class to be particularly "intellectually challenging"? If so, what? Why do you think it was "intellectually challenging"? I think keeping up with the workload was the most intellectually challenging thing, but I really enjoyed creating a professional blog.
6. Were you bored by this class at any time? If so, what bored you and how might that be corrected? I was never bored.
7. Would you change this course in any way (add things/delete things or anything else)? If so, give me your suggestions. Since I am always changing this course I could use your input! Do not, however, make an argument as to why you might think you were overworked. I do not intend to change the workload for this course whatever your position on this question might be. If you do not feel overworked in EDM310, you may say so if you wish. The workload was strenuous, but I would have liked to talk about the importance of some of the technologies in the classroom more on the days that we met.
8. Are you Technologically Literate at the moment? To what extent? I would say about Medium. I have a lot to learn, but I felt like I learned a lot too.
9. How will you maintain or improve your technological literacy between now and the time you graduate? … the time you start teaching? I will constantly be looking for new ways that the internet can be utilized as a teaching tool and how I can network more through the internet.