On Kaia's blog, the student's commenting were noticed by Kaia's, Jabiz Raisdana. He contacted Mr. Chamberlain and the students Skype her father. Then he suggested making a video or audio for Kaia since she couldn't read yet. They surprised her with a Voicethread. Mr C's Voicethread for Kaia.
My reaction to this is amazed. I can't believe we have access to so many means of communication and technology. It will be amazing when educators and students will communicate at this level. I love the fact that Kaia's father is including her with his blog and teaching her. He is teaching her things about blogging before she can read. What a great example to set for her!
Comments for Kids Week 12

Comments for Kids this week for was a post by a teacher from PT England. Her students are Year One students, about 5 years old. The post was the picture above by Aaron who colored himself eating lunch at the beach.
Google Form:

I decided to survey questions about Facebook, since it has become some a great social networking tool. However, there are some aspects of Facebook that aren't always good. I was curious to see other people's take on it. Out of all the survey requests--the entire EDM 310 class list, I got 14 responses.
My questions were:
How many times a day do you get on Facebook?
How long have you had Facebook?
Do you use Facebook as a way to contact others outside your circle of friends?
Do you often get tagged in pictures that you would prefer not to be tagged in?
Do your parents have Facebook?
What do you think about future employers viewing your college Facebook page?
How do you feel about children below the age of 15 having access to this social network?
Which best describes the privacy of your profile.
My questions were very different as far as how the responses went. The only one that came out even was if parents had Facebook. They feel even with neither, mother, or father or both.
Take a look at my questions and responses to my survey here!
Spring, please share you results with me. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI think the things Kaia is doing is awesome. The way her father is showing her the world with out leaving home is amazing!